Intended user for multi-user games
Multi-user games involve a type of service that is spread over multiple different age ranges. The average gamer is 30 years old and has been playing for 12 years. Eighty-two percent of gamers are 18 years of age or older. Twenty-nine percent of game players are over the age of 50. [**********] The vast majority of those who play video games will almost certainly also play the online mode for a game if this is available, be this simply out of enjoyment, or maybe as something to do after the completion of a single player mode, or maybe even as a form of increasing the difficulty to something above what is achieved by the computer controlled AI in single player modes.
Multi-user games involve a type of service that is spread over multiple different age ranges. The average gamer is 30 years old and has been playing for 12 years. Eighty-two percent of gamers are 18 years of age or older. Twenty-nine percent of game players are over the age of 50. [**********] The vast majority of those who play video games will almost certainly also play the online mode for a game if this is available, be this simply out of enjoyment, or maybe as something to do after the completion of a single player mode, or maybe even as a form of increasing the difficulty to something above what is achieved by the computer controlled AI in single player modes.