Personally, I think that the aspect of my eBook which came out to be the best was how Weebly was so simple to use, without sacrificing any brownie points in regards to the look of the finished product. The theme turned out to be rather appealing, and once completed, the buttons made navigation both sequentially and hierarchically fairly smooth and simple. This was especially good as previously I had no knowledge of how to use Weebly. The aspect which didn't go so well in creating my eBook was almost definitely the process of making buttons and linking these. This task was awfully tedious and took a very long time to complete. I could have overcome this hurdle if I stopped and thought about how I was to create my eBook, and then made templates which already contained the exact structures for my pages, including buttons which only required to be linked. These templates could have then been copied, in order to get the same structures instantly for each of the preceding pages, essentially saving a whole lot of time.
In order to improve my eBook, I think I could have added more media related content. This includes things such as images, audio clips, and videos. By adding these, my eBook would be made more interesting for the reader as they would have to read less, and would essentially receive a more entertaining experience from my eBook.
In order to improve my eBook, I think I could have added more media related content. This includes things such as images, audio clips, and videos. By adding these, my eBook would be made more interesting for the reader as they would have to read less, and would essentially receive a more entertaining experience from my eBook.