Fitness for purpose
Even though online shopping may have some security issues such as credit card details being stolen, as well as the fact that it can sometimes destroy the experience of actually going out and doing the shopping yourself, its benefits heavily outweigh the drawbacks. These include things such as the ability to customize products to match customer personalities - ultimately creating unique products, as well as the ability to browse between many products as well as retailers within minutes, and then even clear payments for these orders within a matter of seconds. Online shopping, a service with its main purpose being to allow internet users to barter any required goods from the comfort of their homes easily and effectively, is a service which in my opinion is certainly fit for purpose.
Even though online shopping may have some security issues such as credit card details being stolen, as well as the fact that it can sometimes destroy the experience of actually going out and doing the shopping yourself, its benefits heavily outweigh the drawbacks. These include things such as the ability to customize products to match customer personalities - ultimately creating unique products, as well as the ability to browse between many products as well as retailers within minutes, and then even clear payments for these orders within a matter of seconds. Online shopping, a service with its main purpose being to allow internet users to barter any required goods from the comfort of their homes easily and effectively, is a service which in my opinion is certainly fit for purpose.