Intended user for online revision websites
Online revision sites have a fairly obvious target audience – students! This is due to the fact that online revision websites provide revision material which would only really be viewed by students; it is highly unlikely that a 40 year old in a professional career would be visiting revision websites. They attract students due to their ease of use, and the fact that many students feel as if these can be an escape, and use these for last second revision. This is because of how easy most online revision websites make most topics to understand. Moreover, their overall ease of use also appeals to students, as they are able to obtain information on a given topic quickly, via the easy to navigate layouts which are stressed on these websites.
Online revision sites have a fairly obvious target audience – students! This is due to the fact that online revision websites provide revision material which would only really be viewed by students; it is highly unlikely that a 40 year old in a professional career would be visiting revision websites. They attract students due to their ease of use, and the fact that many students feel as if these can be an escape, and use these for last second revision. This is because of how easy most online revision websites make most topics to understand. Moreover, their overall ease of use also appeals to students, as they are able to obtain information on a given topic quickly, via the easy to navigate layouts which are stressed on these websites.