Non-Internet alternatives for online revision websites
This service is one that can be replicated without the use of the internet through a variety of ways. This essentially means that if people do not have access to the internet, they are not too disadvantaged compared to others who do have access to it, as these people not connected to the internet can utilise some non-internet alternatives, which include:
This service is one that can be replicated without the use of the internet through a variety of ways. This essentially means that if people do not have access to the internet, they are not too disadvantaged compared to others who do have access to it, as these people not connected to the internet can utilise some non-internet alternatives, which include:
- Purchasing or borrowing physical copies of revision materials in order to receive similar, condensed content.
- Taking private tuition in order to learn similar things as on online revision websites.
- Making notes out of textbooks of the relevant topics, and use those as revision material.